Dignity & Respect at Work Policy

Anarchy Division has zero tolerance for harassment, bullying or victimisation in any of our work. As well as the consequences they have on their victims, we consider these unlawful discrimination, and serious harassment may be a criminal offence.


Similar to our equal opportunities policy, we consider this a living document, and commit to being always open to ways we can revise, develop or re-define it to better support our people.


Everyone has the right to expect to be treated with dignity and respect while working, and this non-contractual policy applies to all employees, associates, contractors and otherwise working with Anarchy Division. We expect everyone to be responsible for their own behaviour, but we commit to providing clear guidelines and expectations through, among others, this policy and our Equal Opportunities policy. We commit to preventing harassment across all of our work, and to taking an active stance to prevent it – including via open promotion and discussion of this policy, training where applicable and useful, and, on our end, consistently listening to, following, and learning from industry discussions and developments, from individuals, trade union bodies and organisations.


Examples of harassment and bullying behaviour include the interpersonal (persistent, unnecessary or hostile criticism, shouting or screaming at other people, mocking, isolating, derogatory or offensive comments, gestures, for example) and systemic/structural (denial of breaks/leave/etc without reason, late or withheld pay without reason, demanding impossible tasks and deadlines and berating people who miss them, for example.)


Complaints and grievances can be raised to any member of our teams, and should be escalated as appropriate with regards to the structure of the project’s team – for example, to a director or producer, or to a lead artist, or if about these to another member of staff. We also encourage complainants to, if they feel it necessary, discuss with the trade union that either formally represents them or advises on their sphere of work – for example, Equity, Bectu, or the WGGB.


All complaints and grievances will be taken seriously. We will follow the complainant’s wishes as to whether they would prefer informal resolution and internal warnings, or more formal grievance resolution as per the ACAS Guide to Disciplinary and Grievances at Work for small organisations (as recommended by Equity, including in their Fringe Agreement.) We commit to not just resolving complaints and grievances, but actively working to remove their causes in the future.